Sinn und Bedeutung

main session

Tuesday 17 Sept

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Chair Person:

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Wednesday 18 Sept

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Chair Person: 

00:00 – 00:00: TBA

Thursday 19 Sept

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Chair Person: 

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Monday 16 Sept (Ortigia, Siracusa)

Evidentials in non-canonical speech acts

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Chair Person:

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Friday 20 Sept (Noto, CUMO)

Does semantics have a too many tools problem?

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


Chair Person: 

00:00 – 00:00: TBA


NPIs in Contrast

Max Bonke, Katharina Schaebbicke


Growth and Improvement: a quality semantics for result state nominals

Ryan Walter Smith


Lying and commitment with (not-)at-issue emojis

Mailin Antomo, Lea Fricke, Patrick G. Grosz, Tatjana Scheffler


You can leave your dog outside, but do you have to?: an RSA approach

Seoyoung Lee


Mixed polarity pluralities: a solution to van Benthem’s puzzle

Patrick D. Elliott


Constraints on modal flavor colexification

Amira Ramdani, Jeremy Kuhn


Perspective on individuals

Philippe de Groote, Timothée Bernard


Modeling Uncertainty, Unawareness, and Underspecification among Structural Causal Models

Todd Snider, Michael Franke


Why ‘regret’ and ‘realize’ can embed false beliefs

Ziling Zhu


The Maximality Puzzle: Evidence from ʔayʔaǰuθəm

Marianne Huijsmans, Daniel Reisinger


Inference complexity is semantically significant

Valerie Wurm


The German particle denn in a Scoreboard model of discourse

Maribel Romero, Doris Penka


Epistemic temporal interactions and judge dependency in San Pablo Güilá Zapotec

Ana Laura Arrieta Zamudio


Asserting, say, without sincerity.

Eli Sharf


Beyond ‘yes’ and ‘no’: Multimodal multilexical polar responses in German

Cornelia Loos, Sophie Repp


Classifiers and Comparison Class: Evidence for cross-linguistic variation in the calculation of standards

Zhuosi Luo, Alison Biggs


Negotiating discourse referents: Anaphoric uptake in dalogue

Manfred Krifka


Disjunction with additives

Anne Mucha, Wataru Uegaki, Mary Amaechi, Tim Jantarungsee


The Twofold Nature of Degree Nominalizations: Degree Concepts and Qualities

Ryan Bochnak, Adam Gobeski, Marcin Morzycki, Starr Sandoval


Projection without presupposition: A model of clause-embedding predicates

Gregory Scontras, Judith Tonhauser


Homogeneity in non-monotonic contexts

Paul Marty, Omri Amiraz, Patrick Elliott, Guillermo Del Pinal, Jacopo Romoli


Revisiting the role of structural complexity in symmetry breaking

Nina Haslinger, Viola Schmitt


Building Adjunct Questions from Anaphors in Ktunaxa

Starr Sandoval, Yangshuying (Kate) Zhou, Marcin Morzycki


No iota type-shift in Kazym Khanty

Varvara Tiutiunnikova, Stiopa Mikhailov, Fedor Golosov


Change-of-state in Samoan: Multiple sources for Inchoativity

Jens Hopperdietzel


Why “not numeral NP” requires “but” but not “not many NP”

Danfeng Wu


Pseudo-incorporation, Event Kinds, and Atelicity

Yağmur Sağ


Underspecified coordination, focus and contrast in Wá∙šiw

Ryan Bochnak


Another look at contrafactive predicates: The case of Spanish ‘creerse’

Mora Maldonado, Orin Percus


Definite plurals in comparatives

Omri Amiraz, Omri Doron


Sorting out left-nested conditionals

Daniel Lassiter


Robust Implicatures and Presuppositional Innocent Inclusion

Chao Sun, Uli Sauerland


FC with discourse referents: the curious case of ‘any’

Sam Alxatib, Andreea Nicolae


Relevance-sensitive co-variation inferences of dependent indefinites

Takanobu Nakamura


The role of incompatible disjuncts in the acquisition of disjunction: Insights from studies involving actual and missing logical words in child Romanian

Adina Camelia Bleotu, Andreea Cristina Nicolae and many others


Comparison among degrees or individuals?: A view from Japanese ichiban superlatives

Eri Tanaka, Kenta Mizutani


Shifted face emoji in indirect discourse: A mixed-quotational approach

Sebastian Walter, Stefan Hinterwimmer


An experimental study of definite and coordination

Jia Ren


A non-Boolean analysis of conjunction in additive numerals

Marcin Wągiel


A propositions-as-types approach to the generalized crossover effect

Daiki Matsuoka, Daisuke Bekki, Hitomi Yanaka


Diagnosing the presuppositional properties of global and embedded implicatures

Jad Wehbe, Omri Doron


QUD Mediated Redundancy

Yichi Zhang


Temporal interpretation in Directive Speech Acts: A competition between imperative and 2nd-person subjunctive in Greek

Despina Oikonomou, Vina Tsakali, Alexandra Samarentsi, Benedict Vassileiou


Plural Definites and Domain Restriction in Romance and Germanic – A new generalization regarding genericity, kind predication, and maximal reference

Janek Guerrini, Benjamin Spector


Readings of pronouns across connectives are sensitive to monotony

Keny Chatain, Benjamin Spector


Measuring change with precise proportions

Giorgos Spathas


Only to forget it in the fridge – A compositional account of German prospective clauses

David Müller


X-marking and the Italian reportative conditional

Paula Menendez-Benito, Ilaria Frana


Demonstratives and alternatives

Ankana Saha


Pseudo-scoping out of relative clauses: a dependent definite approach

Jonathan Palucci


Discontinuous past: a semantic account

Petr Kusliy, Ekaterina Vostrikova


Higher-order plurality: To what degree?

Brian Buccola


Constraining alternatives

Aron Hirsch, Bernhard Schwarz


On the scope of together

Jad Wehbe 

Alternate Talks (Posters)

Mapping to a scale: Mandarin even-like dou with hyperbolic comparatives

Zhuang Chen, Yael Greenberg


Embedding definites instead of questions: The case of Spanish and French

Carla Bombi, Jeanne Lecavelier


Emotional Agreement: Interplay of Negativity and Referent Valence in the Interpretation and Use of Expressive Adjectives

Kalle Glauch


Decoupling amounts from their instantiations

Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Bernhard Schwarz


Relative Readings of Japanese ichiban Superlatives

Jun Tamura


Be brief or precise: Reviving the Manner approach to acceptable Hurford disjunctions

Nina Haslinger


On “very”-intensified superlatives

Johanna Alstott


A unified account of bare plural generics based on cognitively salient evidence

Flavia Naehrlich


Covert modality in future-oriented finite clauses

Jessica Mendes


Simultaneous readings of past-under-past in Russian

Ekaterina Vostrikova


On the distinction between amounts and degrees

Jon Ander Mendia, Stephanie Solt


Deriving (anti)-uniqueness: Demonstratives in Ga (Kwa)

Agata Renans, Sampson Korsah, Akua Campbell

Posters (in progress..)

Calling something “something” – A unified account of mixed and name-informing quotation

Holden Härtl


Non-intersective modification requires deverbal derivation: evidence from Japanese

Ryan Walter Smith, Ryoichiro Kobayashi


Number marking in interrogative phrases: Evidence from Farsi

Luis Alonso-Ovalle, Esmail Moghiseh


fEMG as a window into conversational commitments

Harriet Yates, Corien Bary, Peter de Swart, Bob van Tiel


Intonation as Information Structure Feature: Case Study from Yo in Japanese

Daiki Matsumoto


Exploring the Semblance and Discrepancies between Simplex and Complex Numerals in Mandarin-Chinese

Lu Jin, Shiyang Fu


Clause-internal causal inferences: Evidence from nouns

Kelsey Sasaki, Daniel Altshuler, Hannah Rohde


What does High Negation do? Nothing, Negation, or Denegation?

Shohei Nagata, Masatoshi Honda


Cross-world reference

Squid Tamar-Mattis


Speech act assignment in Japanese negative imperatives and their historical change: when Dynamic Pragmatics meets Optimality Theory

Akitaka Yamada


Disruptive French questions. A case of strengthening non-canonical questions

Richard Faure, Wiebke Matuschat-Petersen


Ja or Jaaaaa? Scale Interpretation in Iconically Lengthened Response Particles

Lennart Fritzsche, Nadine Bade, Cornelia Ebert, Cécile Meier


Disjointness and obligatory binding: Prominence and pronominal typology

Rebecca Jarvis


Accommodating the Question Under Discussion

Swantje Tönnis, Judith Tonhauser


Anankastic Conditionals as Harmonizing Modals

Jingyi Chen, Valentine Hacquard


Temporality and causality in asymmetric conjunction

Zeming Xu, Markus Steinbach


Ways of being similar

Jon Ander Mendia


Question-oriented even and the inquisitiveness parameter

Takanobu Nakamura, Kenta Mizutani


A Local Solution to the Samaritan Paradox

Jonathan Caleb Kendrick


Aspectual shift in Romance: an experimental investigation

Aurore Gonzalez, Anamaria Fălăuş, Gennaro Chierchia


Non-specific and Dependent Indefinites: When -nibud’ meets po

Marco Degano


Rethinking Singulative Structures

Victoria Noble


Correlated scales with incremental ‘more’: Support from a comparison with ‘other’.

Yael Greenberg


Viewpoint matters: Prototypical vs. non-prototypical co-speech gestures in the VP domain

Sebastian Walter, Cornelia Ebert, Stefan Hinterwimmer


Ways of knowing in Hungarian

Marta Abrusan


Take my advice: the particle bara in Marathi (Indo-Aryan)

Ashwini Deo


Unified semantics for variable incremental ešče in Russian

Elena Miashkur


Clefts can address wh-questions in referential anchoring contexts

Jun Chen, Dawei Jin


Defeasible Telicity in a Subset of English Incremental Theme Predicates

Fred Whibley


Just cumulative predicates get a minimal sufficiency reading

Lucas Fagen, Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal


How to reconcile maximal and non-maximal Mandarin mei: A cover-based approach

Zeqi Zhao


The case for the strong and conditional analysis of permission

Haoming Li


A crosslinguistic analysis of indefinites marked for specificity

Walid Hafsi


Expressive contexts and descriptive subjects of Spanish imperatives

Seungho Nam, Aarón Sánchez


Until-XPs and their ‘probability’ inference

Maria del Mar Bassa Vanrell


RESPonsible Attitudes: the case of Italian considerare

Achille Fusco


Redundancy under Discussion

Adèle Hénot-Mortier


Degrees are Accessed Indirectly? A New Look at Chinese Adjectival bi-Comparatives

Yaqing Hu


Unbinding equatives

Karolin Kaiser 


Aggregate nouns in German and Russian: mass and count?

Ljudmila Geist


Splitting ‘half’-words meanings in Italian and English

Michelangelo Falco, Roberto Zamparelli


A return to a functional dependency approach to correlatives

Natasha Thalluri


NPI licensing in attitude reports with content-bearing nominals

Kalle Müller


Question word distributivity

Mary Moroney


PPI Disjunction and Epistemic Lists

Giulio Ciferri Muramatsu, Pravaal Yadav


Quantificational Determiners vs. Partitive Nouns in Mandarin Chinese

Jia Ren, Satoru Ozaki, Qiuhao Charles Yan


(Non)factivity and causal inference in evaluative adjective constructions

Prerna Nadathur


Mass nouns, plurals, and mass plurals: on the Russian suffix -ĭj-

Ora Matushansky


Modified pro-speech gestures as iconic mixed items

Lennart Fritzsche


The licensing-conditions on embedded main clauses are a direct consequence of their discourse effects

Kajsa Djärv, Donka Farkas


Hurford Disjunctions: Beyond redundancy and triviality

Alexandros Kalomoiros, Paul Marty, Matthew Mandelkern, Jacopo Romoli, Florian Schwarz


The licensing-conditions on embedded main clauses are a direct consequence of their discourse effects

Kajsa Djärv, Donka Farkas


Semantic triviality leads to ungrammaticality through iterated learning

Ciyang Qing, Wataru Uegaki


Selectional restrictions of clause-taking emotive predicates across lexical categories

Luke Adamson, Kajsa Djarv


Assigning cause and effect in asymmetric association statements

Daniel Lassiter, Michael Franke


The information status of co-speech gestures: evidence from lying and commitment

Yuqiu Chen, Mailin Antomo



TMT Workshop Talks

Neglect-Zero effects in the interpretation of quantifiers and disjunction 

Oliver Bott, Fabian Schlotterbeck, Tomasz Klochowicz, Sonia Ramotowska, Maria Aloni

Worlds, times and the fate of ontological symmetry 

Ido Benbaji-Elhadad

“One tool to rule them all”? An integrated model of the QuD for Hurford sentences 

Adèle Hénot-Mortier

Discourse dynamics as a cure to the problem of too many uniqueness conditions 

Haoze Li and Jess H. K. Law

Indefinites as Indexed Definites 

Amir Anvari

Restricting determiners: conservativity and negative counterparts 

Patrick D. Elliott

Presuppositional Exhaustification vs. supervaluationist RSA 

Benjamin Spector


TMT alternate Talks (Poster main session)

From conservativity to the zero interface

Sašo Živanović and Peter Ludlow

On the unity of wh and focus alternatives

Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine

Evidentials Workshop Talks

Conjectural questions in Ktunaxa as canonical questions

Ana Laura Arrieta Zamudio, Ryan Bochnak


‘Gosh, how X is that?!’ The case of Exclamative-Interrogatives

Michela Ippolito, Crystal Chen


Says who? An evidential challenge for English

Karl Mulligan, Kyle Rawlins


Corrective markers ‘bing’ and ‘you’ in Mandarin Chinese

Danfeng Wu


On the discourse contributions of reportative evidentials in questions: A look at Finnish

Elsi Kaiser


Ideophones and reported speech: Depicting actions, events and speech

Kathryn Barnes & Sebastian Walter


Evidentials Workshop Posters

Conchucos Quechua =mi in non-canonical speech acts

Raúl Bendezú-Araujo, Anna Kocher


Epistemic adverbs in questions: A view from Russian

Pavel Astafiev


Epistemics and Evidentials in Assertions, Polar Questions and Declarative Questions in German

Manfred Krifka


Evidential as Positive Polarity Item

Keyu Dong, Bert Remijsen


(In)direct evidential futures in Colloquial Jakartan Indonesian

Anastasia Tsilia


Mirativity/evidentiality as at-issue variability: Korean direct evidential -ney

Dongsik Lim, Semoon Hoe, Yugyeong Park


Unifying the French evidential construction on di(rai)t que

Adèle Hénot-Mortier