We invite abstract submissions for talks or posters on topics pertaining the main session and to the workshop.  Only original research can be be presented that has not been published or accepted for publication at the time of submission. One person may submit at most one abstract as sole author and one abstract as co-author (or two co-authored abstracts) for the main session.  The same submission limit applies for each workshop, but workshop submissions don’t count towards the main session limit or vice versa.  The same style requirements apply for workshops and main session, but please note that content specifications, deadlines and submission links are distinct.


All submissions must be electronic in the form of PDF files. Make sure that the files are anonymous and must not reveal the identities of the authors in any form. Abstracts should fit two pages (letter size or A4 paper, 2.5cm or 1 inch margins on all sides, 12 point font, Times New Roman or similar), with an additional third page used exclusively for the following elements: references (obligatory), large figures or tables, as many lines as there are lines of glosses and translations in non-English glossed examples. Examples (glossed or not) should be interspersed in the text, rather than collected at the end.


All work pertaining to natural language semantics and pragmatics can be presented at the main session.  Abstracts are invited for 25 minute talks, followed by 10 minutes of discussion and for poster presentations. We welcome work that uses evidence from experiments using behavioral, neuro-imaging, or other measurements, evidence from computational modeling, evidence from under-represented languages, evidence from non-linguistic communication as well as work from philosophical, logical, morphological, syntactic and other perspectives, but all work should contribute to articulating a formal model of natural language semantics and pragmatics.

SUB 29:

Please do create an account at EasyAbs in order to submit your abstract. The deadline is  April 19 2024 (23:59 CEST).



non-canonical speech acts

Abstracts are invited for 30 minute talks, including discussion. Only original research can be be presented that has not been published or accepted for publication at the time of submission. Abstracts must be anonymous, in pdf format, and they are not to exceed two pages in 12 point font, and with margins of 1 inch/2.5 cm on all sides. One extra page can be reserved used exclusively for the following elements: references (obligatory), large figures or tables, as many lines as there are lines of glosses and translations in non-English glossed examples. Examples (glossed or not) should be interspersed in the text, rather than collected at the end. Please indicate 3-4 keywords in your abstract.
SuB29-Evidentials workshop (deadline is April 28 2024)

SUBMISSION TO WORKSHOP “Does semantics have a ‘too many tools’ problem?”

Abstracts are invited for 20 minute talks, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Abstracts must be explicit about their contribution to the question of the workshop and the same work should not be submitted for the main session. If we receive too many high-quality abstracts to accommodate in the workshop, some talks may be reassigned to the main sessions of SuB.
SuB29-TMT workshop (deadline is April 19 2024)